Insulate the roof

Protection, comfort and resistance and durability are the main advantages the roof acquires thanks to membranes and insulating panels.


Roof insulation is essential to contribute to the overall thermal resistance of the roof, that is, it "offers resistance" to the crossing of calories (frigories) in order to reduce energy losses.

The thermal current always moves in the direction of the temperature gradient, i.e. from the warmest environments they move towards the colder ones.

Winter period

  • To limit the loss of heat from heated rooms

  • Energy saving (heating)

Periodo estivo

  • To limit the entry of heat due to solar radiation

  • Energy saving (air conditioning), improvement of living comfort.

It is important to know that 15-20% of the heat is lost through the cover.
Where to place the insulation.

It is essential that the insulation is always positioned below the ventilation layer (both undercoat and attic ventilation). Otherwise, the air circulation will make the thermo-insulating effect null. The insulation layer must not have points of discontinuity in order to avoid thermal bridges (points on which the typical problems of condensation diseases are concentrated).

It must be installed continuously over the entire surface.

Insulating the roof, in addition to being mandatory, is also recommended to achieve significant savings on the costs of heating and cooling the rooms of those who live in the building.

In particular:

  • Poiché il caldo tende ad andare in alto, quello prodotto durante il periodo invernale tende ad uscire dal tetto da dove, senza isolamento, si arriva a disperdere fino al 45% del calore dell’abitazione;

  • grazie agli sgravi fiscali può avvantaggiarsi, in caso di ristrutturazione di una detrazione del 55% sugli interventi eseguiti;

BMI offers a wide range of thermal insulators for pitched roofs or flat roofs with characteristics and thicknesses able to meet the requirements of current legislation:

  • they are made of polystyrene, a material that does not fear neither water nor humidity, an essential feature as the insulators are in contact with the atmosphere,

  • they are additivated with graphite (which increases their insulating power by over 10%) or polyurethane

  • they are coupled to an aluminum film to ensure better living comfort during the summer
    with a wooden or metal strip or a shaping for better adhesion of the tiles and ventilation

  • under the shell, they offer excellent performance even with reduced thicknesses.

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